Relieve customer service and support with Enterprise Search

Excellent customer service is the be-all and end-all when it comes to retaining customers. “Recent studies from the USA have shown that company sales can be increased by up to 95% if customer loyalty improves by 5%. However, many companies are in the dark when it comes to how this goal can be achieved,” explains Christoph Wendl, CEO of the Viennese IT company Iphos IT Solutions and developer of the innovative enterprise search software searchIT. “Two particularly important aspects in this regard are automation and optimized knowledge management. Especially in times like these, when measures to contain the Corona pandemic have forced many companies to make savings in the personnel sector as well, process automation and optimized knowledge management can be advantageous in the area of customer service and support.”

Enterprise Search for Optimal Knowledge Management


Use enterprise search engines for optimized customer service

In-house search engines work in a similar way to search engines on the Internet. A user enters a search term and the search engine searches all data from all connected company sources – from files on the various file servers to e-mails, cloud storage, web applications and more. Search file contents or databases? No problem. The search results can be filtered according to various aspects. Users can find documents relevant to them quickly and precisely.

For optimal customer support, companies should focus primarily on the areas of website, customer portal and internal search for support staff. A good enterprise search solution can support companies in all these points.

Fast and comprehensive search function for the website

A comprehensive search function for the website for general questions about products and services as well as further documents with the possibility to filter the search results according to various parameters is usually the first point of contact for customers today.

“There are still websites that either don’t have a search function at all, or where it is so well hidden that you would need a search function to find the website search,” explains Wendl. “With an enterprise search engine in the background, the search function for websites can be designed to be particularly user-friendly. Not only databases, but also documents – such as PDFs – can be searched and provide comprehensive search results. Text snippets, sorting and filtering options – thanks to AI algorithms, none of this is rocket science anymore.”

Best search function for registered users

Registered customers or members of an organization often have more content at their disposal. These must be kept up-to-date, but also assigned to the right user groups. An enterprise search engine is also essential here through the comprehensive integration of a wide variety of data sources – including external product databases –, automated notifications of new or updated content, and an authorization system that allows customers and subscribers to find only what is provided for in their service level agreement.

Streamlined search for support agents

Helpdesk employees also benefit from a fast and intuitive in-house search engine. A quick and comprehensive search helps to be able to offer customers the right support immediately on the phone. New approaches to solving customer problems are shared with all support staff in near real time. Here, too, notifications about updates and new documents, appointments or tasks can be set up quickly. Automated clustering of documents according to relevant topics allows service employees to find and export all information relevant to a request as quickly as possible.

“Today’s customers expect fast and comprehensive support. Many first search on the respective website or in the company’s customer portal. If they have not found anything there that can be applied to their problem, the mood quickly changes if the helpdesk does not present a suitable solution quickly enough. Enterprise search solutions such as the in-house search engine searchIT, which we developed, support at all levels,” Wendl concludes. “Customers are satisfied with the quick help and service employees save time and nerves. In our experience, an optimized search solution with AI support and process automation pays off for companies from the very first moment – through an increase in efficiency even with fewer personnel and thus of course also through cost savings.”


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