The searchit Release Log


We are constantly developing new features for our Enterprise Search solution that help you to search your documents, emails, databases and much more more quickly and easily.

<b>searchit</b> - Upgrade of Docker, Ansible and OS

Release Date: May 2024


Docker upgrade

The current release includes a comprehensive upgrade of the underlying Docker and Docker Compose environments. The update ensures improved stability, security and performance of container-based applications. The upgrade also brings new features and optimizations that enable more efficient container management and deployment.


Ansible Upgrade

This searchit update brings the underlying Ansible deployment tools up to date. The upgrade includes improvements in the automation and orchestration of deployment processes, resulting in faster and more reliable deployment of applications. New modules and extended functionalities also offer more flexibility and customization options for IT administrators.


OS Upgrade

This release extends the operating system compatibility for searchit to Debian 12 and Ubuntu 24. By supporting these latest operating system versions, users will benefit from the latest security updates, performance enhancements and advanced features that these operating systems offer. In this way, we ensure that searchit runs optimally on the current platforms and that future developments are taken into account.

<b>searchit</b> - Optimization of the text note function and tag filtering

Release Date: January 2024


Optimized display of text notes

This release includes a bugfix that improves the display of annotations for video objects. This update ensures that all annotations, especially for video content, are displayed correctly and in a user-friendly way.


Editing text notes

In the current version of searchit, the editing of text notes has been expanded to include new additional fields. Users can now add and edit notes and additional information at index or item level. These new fields allow for more detailed and versatile documentation and recording of information, which is immediately searchable as usual. Users with activated Archive Plugin with YouTube module can now also make notes and descriptions of the archived videos there.


Private tag filtering

The new searchit release introduces the possibility to filter private tags by Active Directory permissions. Users can now filter by tags that have been assigned to them based on their Active Directory permissions. This improves personalization and contributes to security, as only relevant and authorized information is displayed.

<b>searchit</b> 3.0. - Integrated Image Gallery, improved accessibility & more

Release Date: September 2023


<b>searchit</b> Image Gallery

For users who are specifically looking for images, searchit now offers FAT-Client a responsive image gallery function. This enables an appealing and compact presentation of images in the search results. The image gallery can be displayed via a separate menu item in the blue bar with the special searches. With this selection, the files saved in native image format are displayed in the overview and can be filtered according to the different image formats.


Thumbnails in the results display

searchit now offers an improved result display through the integration of graphical thumbnails in the result list in the FAT client and web client. This feature allows users to get visual previews of search results at a glance, making it easier to identify relevant content. Instead of generic icons, thumbnails of the images or the automatically generated title pages of the files are now displayed in the list and tile view. On the desktop, these preview images are enlarged on mouse-over, which makes it even easier to identify the correct files.

Another option, which is currently only available in the FAT client (not in the mobile version), is to display the images via the view menu. All files are displayed as images. If it is not an image or a file with an automatically generated PDF preview, only a generic icon for the file is displayed in this view.


Indexing of websites - Canonical links

The new searchit release also includes support for canonical links in order to recognize duplicate content. This not only improves the quality of indexing, but also prevents redundant search results.


Search term suggestions through auto-completion (FAT client, web client)

The search functionality of searchit has been extended by an auto-complete function. As you type, various search term suggestions are offered in order of relevance and similar spelling. This not only saves time, especially with longer search terms, but also avoids possible typing errors, which ultimately leads to more relevant search results.


Improved usability through support for mobile devices (FAT client, web client)

searchit has improved its usability in the current release by increasing support for mobile devices with different resolutions. The responsive design ensures that the software is optimally displayed on every device.

The search results overview

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The new autocomplete function suggests suitable search terms as you type.

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Show menu for special searches

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Sort your search results according to various criteria!

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The filter bar in the mobile view

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Unfolded filters for intuitive narrowing down of search results

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Create annotations for your documents, which can also be searched using a full-text search.

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Display the text of the document found in the text preview.

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Display the first three pages of the document found in the PDF preview.

(Click for larger image)


New search filter by file extension (FAT client)

A new filter allows searchit users to search specifically for file extensions such as .exe, .pdf, .doc etc.. All file extensions are available, including exotic ones that do not belong to the standard file extensions. The use of this filter is particularly recommended for this type of file type.


Accessibility - Presentation of results - ReadSpeaker support (web client)

In terms of accessibility, searchit has also received further improvements with the current release. The ReadSpeaker of the text-to-speech tools is now also supported in order to optimize the accessible user experience.


New functions for data source indexing for YouTube videos

Numerous new functions for downloading YouTube information have been added to the searchit archive plugin.

The YouTube Downloader module

(Click for larger image)

Texts and hashtags are extracted and can be searched.

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Web view and link to YouTube

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Overview of the various metadata

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Create searchable annotations for the videos

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In the workflow, you can quickly and easily define what is to be downloaded and archived.

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Checksums are used to ensure the integrity of the archived download.

(Click for larger image)


Document preview - CleanUp for more efficiency

The searchit system has been optimized to efficiently clean up old documents and free up storage space. For example, thumbnails that are no longer required are automatically deleted once a week if no active data records are found for them.


Further functions

  • Indexing – O365 Connector
    With the new O365 Connector, searchit now supports the indexing of Exchange and SharePoint via Microsoft Office 365.
  • Indexing – Quantum Tape Library
    searchit can now check tapes from the Quantum Tape Library. This extends the search functionality of the Archive plugin.
  • Multi-instance support for the click function (FAT client)
    For customers with several searchit instances, the software now offers the option of clicking on all instances with a central click service.
  • “Did you mean…” functionality in the search function (FAT client, web client)
    If searches have been carried out that have not led to any results, searchit now offers a “Did you mean…” functionality that suggests similar search terms from the index.

<b>searchit</b> 2.6 - Duplicate search & more accessibility

Release Date: October 2022


Find duplicate files with <b>searchit</b>

The duplicate search makes it possible to search all connected search sources for duplicated documents or files. This allows you to see at a glance how often a file has been duplicated in various sources.

The resulting additional storage effort can be easily minimized by deletions directly through searchit.




Notes for better knowledge management with <b>searchit</b>

A new feature of searchit that is aimed at improving knowledge management is the ability to annotate search results. The annotations can be viewed in real time by all authorized users and can be searched and found with corresponding search queries.




Accessibility - even more functions

With the release of version 2.6, searchit gets even more functions to ensure seamless accessibility. In this release, both the web interface and the website search have been adapted for other screen readers.



Various bug fixes

searchIT 2.5 - Use even more features

Release date: July 2021


Website integration (PlugIn)

The website integration now makes it possible to use the Enterprise Search Engine searchIT as a search on multisite websites. The search can be integrated individually on a special search page, but also on existing pages in the form of a small search field. Depending on the configuration, the filter options familiar from searchIT are available for the website search. Predefined area filters can be used to specify which data should be taken into account when searching on the respective website.




Anonymous login

In order to be able to release certain documents to users without their own user account, we enable anonymous login with searchIT version 2.5. For example, municipalities can make documents such as applications or other data available to their citizens in the form of a citizen service.



Topic extraction, tag cloud

Using artificial intelligence, searchIT manages to extract the topics of the data to be searched. In addition to the previously available filter options, search results can now be filtered according to their content. A new view has been integrated to display the topics in the best possible way. Relevant keywords are displayed in the tag cloud, and the frequency of the topic is visualized by the color and font size of the word.



Various bug fixes

searchIT 2.4

Release date: May 2021


PDF preview documents

The document preview has been improved so that, in addition to a simple text preview, the first pages of a document are now displayed in the original layout in the form of an automatically generated PDF. In the new preview, you can now switch between text, PDF and metadata previews.

More about the preview…


Tag handling

We have introduced “tag handling” in order to be able to tag documents privately or publicly for all employees. By assigning tags, which can also contain a hierarchy, we make it possible to give certain documents several parameters in order to search and filter for them later.

A tag can be added to a file via the icon.

If a document has already been tagged, this tag is located in the selected color under the file name and the path.

All existing private and public tags can be managed by clicking on the tag icon in the module bar. All metadata of the tag is also visible here.


The graphical search filters can be used to filter specifically according to the assigned tags. Double-click to filter deeper in the tag hierarchy.



New time dimension filters

Revised time dimension filters make it possible to limit results to a specific time period even more quickly.

Using the quick selection, a period ending on the current day can be selected with just one click.


With the relative selection, a search period can be selected starting from the current day. For example, the period from 20 days ago to 5 days ago can be searched.


With the absolute selection, the date for the start and end point of the search can be specified.


The selection options can be used to specify which time is to be taken into account for the time dimension.



Optimization of the search algorithm

The search algorithm is constantly being improved.


Various bug fixes

searchIT 2.3

Release Date: September 2020


Search in document sections

In order to be able to search very long documents, such as books, with many individual pages more precisely, we have introduced the “document section search”. This puts an end to endless scrolling, even if the instance you are looking for is in the last chapter of a book, for example. Long documents are divided into individual blocks (document areas, e.g. 10 pages each).

The document area is marked with the icon Document area. Documents that have been divided into document areas are called “main documents” and are identified by the icon Main document.

Clicking on the Main documents icon starts a “Look-Up Search” and displays all document areas of this main document.

The option filters can be used to filter either document areas or main documents.


Field Suggestions

To perform a search in specific fields (e.g. in the file name), a list of field names can be loaded using the TAB key in the search field. Then simply select any field with the cursor keys or the mouse pointer. Here are a few examples: There are parent fields that are in the namespace “all.*”, such as all.filename or There are also type-dependent fields such as, kontakt.unternehmen or dok.beschreibung
Also see: Documentation: Interaktive Suchzeile


Integration of the File Search Preview


Optimization of the search algorithm

The search algorithm is constantly being improved. Multiselect, umlauts, etc. are among the optimizations in version 2.3.


Various bug fixes

searchIT 2.2 - Updates

Release Date: July 2020


Various bug fixes

searchIT 2.1 - Optimizations & new features

Release Date: April 2020


Keycloak Integration

The integration of the identity management software Keycloak has opened up a wide range of new possibilities for secure authentication:

  • Single sign-on (SSO) via OpenID or SAML with internal third-party systems
  • SSO with systems based on external providers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github or Nextcloud
  • Alternative authentication methods such as “Integrated Windows Authentication”
  • Connection to external directory services such as Active Directory (AD), OpenLDAP, Novell
  • Independent user administration as required (without Active Directory, etc.)

Block extraction for large documents

By implementing this feature, large documents (such as product catalogs, books, publications, etc.) can now be divided into blocks (e.g. 10-page blocks). These blocks can be searched separately from the main document, which enables a faster display.

The preview has also been extended and now allows you to view specific blocks and pages in these smaller units.


New connector (PST)

Thanks to the integration of a PST connector, it is now also possible to index and search PST archives.


Optimized log rotation

searchIT 2.1 now also has better control of the log rotation of log files.


Performance optimization

By distributing the crawler (for indexing the data) across several nodes, further performance improvements were achieved.


Improvement of backup processes


Various bug fixes

searchIT 2.0 - The major release

Release Date: February 2020


Business Intelligence


Analyze and visualize your company data with searchIT 2020. Quite simply.


Administration in the search engine


Manage directly in your search engine. This saves time and nerves.


Set up data archives


Archive professionally with special functions for the archive structure.


Speech recognition


searchIT 2020 recognizes the language of your documents, lets you fitlern and marks them for you.


Explorer view


Browse through your files in the search engine as you would in your operating system.




Pick up later where you left off – with bookmarks for searches & results.


Content previews


Without detours to your information. searchIT 2020 shows you content snippets and full content excerpts from files at the click of a button.


Meta & special searches


Search everything, everywhere – not just content, but also meta information stored in files.


Auto widget filter


Your widgets automatically adjust to you depending on the situation and view.


Extended syntax


Find more easily with searchIT 2020 extended syntax and special searches.

Search even more sources

Many connectors

searchIT offers a large number of searchable sources in the basic version.

Emails & Dates

Search your Exchange server / your Outlook e-mails.

File Server

Your file servers are seamlessly integrated. This way you have all files available.

Google News

News monitoring with connection to online sources such as Google News.

JDBC database

Java database connections help you keep track of everything.


Search projects and information from the project management tool Jira.

Contact us

We focus on holistic service & a high-end enterprise search engine. Please contact us.