searchit Press Documents

Here you will find all press releases and press releases as well as photo material about searchit – the innovative enterprise search software from Austria. Need more photos, high-resolution screenshots, or more details about searchit? Contact our press team!


Generative AI as a driver for business growth

IT Daily, April 10, 2024

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Generative AI as a driver for business growth, 9 april, 2024

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Vienna - Generative AI is a powerful tool that can make work processes more productive and efficient with the right know-how.

ad-hoc-news – Finanzzeitung für Deutschland, 9 April 2024

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Vienna - Municipalities and cities are confronted with an overwhelming amount of data every day

ad-hoc-news – Finanzzeitung für Deutschland, 21 February 2024

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Citizen service begins on the homepage

Report, February 23, 2024

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Digital decluttering

News, February 8, 2024

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Technology from Austria for Bavaria's authorities

Report, January 25, 2024

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State-of-the-art on-site search for Bavaria's authorities

ad-hoc-news – Finanzzeitung für Deutschland, 24 January 2024

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Vienna - In 2005, Hitachi released a 500 GB hard drive for the first time – a size that was unimaginable at the time

ad-hoc-news – Financial newspaper for Germany, 21 December 2023

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Black Friday 2023 at searchit: The new cloud test environment

ad-hoc-news – Financial newspaper for Germany, 8 November 2023

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Central access to files from decentralized sources, such as file and mail servers, forms the core of the AI-based enterprise search software searchit. (Web), 26 September 2023

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5 Tips to Efficiently Manage the Impact of Inflation by Using AI-Powered Data Classification to Boost Competitiveness

Gütsel Online (Web), 30 June 2023

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5 tips on how to approach digital decluttering in the best possible way

Welding & Testing Technology (print), 03. January 2023

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5 tips on how to approach digital decluttering in the best possible way

marketing exchange, November 25, 2022

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Cost reduction through enterprise search software for lawyers, March 02, 2021

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searchIT 2.5: Feature Upgrades for Renowned Enterprise Search Software, September 02, 2021

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Campaign period for "Österreich sucht!" – the digitization offensive for the public sector – extended, July 14, 2021

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Campaign period for "Österreich sucht!" – the digitization offensive for the public sector – extended, July 14, 2021

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New enterprise search solution specifically for the public sector, May 26, 2021

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New enterprise search solution specifically for the public sector, May 26, 2021

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Reduce the time spent searching for documents in the home office, April 21, 2021

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Enterprise Search Boost 2021 - Annual outlook on the key benefits of using an enterprise search solution, 27 January 2021

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Enterprise Search Boost 2021, 27 January 2021

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AI Search for Business

Economy and Technology in Construction (print edition), 15 December 2020

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Enterprise Search to Compensate for Employee and Skill Losses

EAS Magazine, December 3, 2020

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Avoid additional work due to GDPR information in the company, December 2, 2020

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Avoid additional work due to GDPR information in the company, December 2, 2020

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Avoid additional work due to GDPR information in the company, December 2, 2020

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searchIT 2.3 – the search revolution for companies

Justnow-Press, October 30, 2020

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searchIT 2.3 – the search revolution for companies

Eumenides, 30 October 2020

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searchIT 2.3 – The search revolution for companies, October 29, 2020

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Relieve customer service and support with Enterprise Search

Justnow-Press, September 25, 2020

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Relieve customer service and support with Enterprise Search, September 24, 2020

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How Enterprise Search Can Compensate for Corona-Related Knowledge Losses

Online Traveller, 7 September 2020

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How Enterprise Search Can Compensate for Corona-Related Employee and Skill Losses

Justnow-Press, September 2, 2020

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More features for search engine software

Wiener Wirtschaft, 7 May 2020

Zm article

Corona as an opportunity: How bright minds benefit from accelerated digitization

Notebookcheck, April 8, 2020

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Search engine searchIT gets more functions

Computerwelt, April 6, 2020

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3 Tips for Efficient Knowledge Management Using Enterprise Search Software

EAS MAG, October 2019

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DMS versus Enterprise Search

IT&T Business, October 11, 2019

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Iphos: Three tips for efficient knowledge management

Computerwelt, 9 October 2019

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Mastering the flood of data

New Business, October 2019

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Document Management System vs. Enterprise Search – How Companies Can Save Costs with the Right Software Solution

EAS MAG, October 2019

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One year of GDPR - Companies often have problems with the complete deletion of personal data

Trade Journal for Welding & Testing Technology, September 10, 2019

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Document Management System versus Enterprise Search, September 3, 2019

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Where the GDPR is stuck

medianet, 5 July 2019

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One year of GDPR – companies often have problems with the complete deletion of personal data

Computerwelt, July 2019

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Software search IT reliably deletes even hidden data

MedienManager, July 2019

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One year of GDPR, June 2019

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He who seeks will find

MedienManager Kompakt, December 2018

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The search engine for enterprise applications

it&t business, October 2018

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searchIT - the top search engine for companies

Wiener Wirtschaft, 27 September 2018

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searchIT searches internal company information

Extradienst, September 25, 2018

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Press kit

Clearly structured & AI-based: How to manage AutoCAD and DWG files

24.05.2024, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Generative AI as a driver for business growth

09.04.2024, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

AI and image search: A duo for the future

26.03.2024, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Citizen service begins on the homepage

21.02.2024, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

State-of-the-art on-site search for Bavaria's authorities

18.01.2024, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Digital decluttering made easy: 5 tips for the best strategies

21.12.2023, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Black Friday 2023 at searchit: The new cloud test environment

08.11.2023, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Intelligent website search as the key to more conversions

24.10.2023, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

searchit 3.0 – New release of the popular enterprise search software scores with strong functions

26.9.2023, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

5 Tips for Efficiently Managing the Impact of Inflation: How Companies Are Strengthening Their Competitiveness by Using AI-Powered Data Classification

29.6.2023, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

5 tips on how to optimally approach digital decluttering

23.11.2022, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

searchit 2.6 : These are the new functions of the established enterprise search software

24.10.2022, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

PARK White Collar Crime relies on the enterprise search solution searchIT law edition

22.3.2022, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Cost reduction through enterprise search software for lawyers

2.3.2022, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

New enterprise search solution specifically for the public sector

25.5.2021, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Enterprise Search Boost 2021

27.1.2021, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

searchIT 2.3 – the search revolution for companies

29.10.2020, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Avoid additional work due to GDPR information in the company

2.12.2020, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Relieve customer service and support with Enterprise Search

24.9.2020, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

How Enterprise Search Can Compensate for Corona-Related Employee and Skill Losses

1.9.2020, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Enterprise Search in the Corona Lockdown for More Efficient Tax Advice & Auditing

10.7.2020, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

searchIT 2020 – Even more features and functions for the company's internal search engine searchIT

2.4.2020, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

searchIT 2020 – the long-awaited business update for the company's internal search engine searchIT

19.2.2020, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

5 Reasons Why a GSA Replacement Brings More Benefits Than the Original One

1.12.2020, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

3 Tips for Efficient Knowledge Management Using Enterprise Search Software

8.10.2019, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

Document management system versus enterprise search - How companies can save costs with the right software solution

3.9.2019, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

One year of GDPR Companies often have problems deleting personal data completely

28.6.2019, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

searchIT – A search engine as an efficient alternative to Outlook search

30.11.2018, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)

High technology from Vienna: searchIT – the search engine for business applications

24.09.2018, Vienna


  • Press release (PDF)


What is search<b>it</b>?

Searching for and finding data and content is an increasingly important topic for companies – whether large companies or SMEs. Today, data is growing exponentially and is rapidly distributed across different systems and storage media. The enterprise search engine searchit is an AI-based platform designed for searching in almost all of a company’s data sources. searchit searches and processes file contents and properties (full-text search). The high degree of automation, the inclusion of almost all search sources, the highest level of security and scalability and many additional features make searching and, above all, finding the right data easy. The user searches via a central interface in the web browser, which contains numerous filter options, as well as result lists and evaluations.

Many search sources, applications & extensions

Many connectors guarantee full-text searches in databases, network disks, websites, e-mails, and much more, whereby existing user authorizations are included. Accordingly, the high-priced basic system already covers many possible applications. In addition to direct full-text searches, these include knowledge management, content and document searches for internal recruiting, customer service, product management and market analyses. Through various plugins, searchit can be expanded with valuable additional functions if required. The GDPR plugin finds all instances of personal data records, includes administrative tools, and generates legally compliant reports. The OCR plugin allows you to search and edit scanned text and text in images. Other plugins enable geo-searches or thematic classification of file content based on artificial intelligence.

High technology

The core of the appliance is high technology, which guarantees seamless integration into the existing IT infrastructure, indexing data almost in real time, high reliability and scalability (big data). Several algorithms have a lasting positive influence on the search experience, such as machine learning, synonym recognition, similarity searches, and much more.

Who is behind <b>searchit</b>?

The international company Iphos IT Solutions is redefining the topic of “Enterprise Search” for companies. With the launch of searchit, the company is positioning itself as a sustainable innovator in the industry. Founded in Vienna in 1998, Iphos IT Solutions has branch office in Bulgaria (Sofia). The services in the areas of ITSM, software and web development are sold in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Bulgaria. Ing. Christoph Wendl, together with Lyubomir Ivanov as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), manages the company, which meets the current challenges of IT with innovative solutions.


search<b>it</b> Logo

265 x 46 px


search<b>it</b> Logo (300dpi)

4472 x 781 px


search<b>it</b> 3.0 Screenshot from the application

1914 x 957 px


search<b>it</b> Screenshot GDPR Plugin

1919 x 934 px


search<b>it</b> Fullsize Logo

800 × 600 px


CEO Ing. Christoph Wendl

1417 x 2126 px


Contact us

We focus on holistic service & a high-end enterprise search engine. Please contact us.